
Friday, December 02, 2005

Partial Translation of R. Miller's letter

The following is a partial translation of the letter. It includes the first half of page 1, which doesn't really deal with the arguments, so I've skipped it to finish later. Page 2 discusses why R. Miller is writing the letter, followed by the first two arguments. The argument on Quantum Theory continues to page three, but I've left out the last paragraph (the Gra) due to time. If it seems a bit disjointed, that's because it is a rough draft, and was typed as I read, I'll polish it up motzei shabbos. There are probably some mistakes too. Please correct them, add in what's left out, etc.

The Letter:

Page 1:
Here are the books of [Rabbi] Slifkin, which were already put in cherem by the Gedolei Ysireol. From when I first saw them I said there is "something fishy" (rayach minos) about them. Afterwards, I saw what he wrote about the Six Days of Creation, and they are kefirah. They are divrei boros and don't understand that everything in nature that we see now was completed in six days when Hashem rested on Shabbos and said to the world "Enough." But time and the laws of nature during Creation have no comparison to what we see today. And Razal have already said...

page 2:
And the meforrshim write, on the question of the Rasha in the Hagadah, "what is this work..." and we answer "this is what hashem did for me..." and in the Torah ist is written "vamartem zevach pesach" And the meforshim wrote that when we hear divrei minus we don't respond to them, rather we tell ourselves divrei chizuk. We say to ourselves and not to him [the Rasha] "zevach pesach"

Therefore, I am writing to strengthen the hearts of those who have heard the words of kefirah, which are not true according to those who know the laws of nature.

Until 400 years ago it was not known that the planets (kochvei lechet) don't have their own light, rather the light which is reflected comes from the sun. This was until Galileo came and saw the planet Venus doesn't have its own light. Now, from my perspective, this is clear from the words of Chazal, when they called it "nogah." The word "nogah" differs from the word "ohr" (light) like the Malbim explains in Chabakuk 3:4, "vinogah k'ohr tihiyeh." The Malbim writes that nogah is an object that has no light of its own, rather it sends out light from something else, like the moon and starts ([cochavei leket, appears to be planets]). They don't have light, rather, they just take in and reflect the light of the sun. From this it appears clear that what Chazal meant with the word "nogah" for Venus - that it doesn't have its own light. If so, this idea, which was not known to scientists, 2,000 years after Chazal knew it.

When dealing with the nature of light, scientists first had the Corpuscular Theory of Light, until they changed to the Wave Theory of Light, until 100 years ago, when they switched again, that light is made of photons. They came up with "Quantum Theory" and that sometimes light behaves like waves and sometimes like particles. The word "ohr" (light) according to [SEE SHEET] comes from the word "yareh." But there is another word like ohr, see Iyov 3:4 "nahara." It seems to me that the word nahar is like a wave. If so, the two words that are like "ohr" also describe the two "bechinot" of light.

I should also mention the words of the Gra in Aderet Eliyahu...